In the dynamic world of business law and investment, Lawyer Ken Duong stands out as a seasoned professional with 15 years of experience. As the CEO of Duong Global, a leading legal consultancy firm, he brings a unique...
In a deeply poignant and moving episode, we delve into the remarkable story of Charlie, a Vietnam war veteran who left after the conflict only to return to Vietnam as a crucial step in his PTSD treatment. Join...
Most of the time, we would say that having Vietnam passport or Vietnamese citizenship is great because you can stay permanently here, buy real estate, and open up local companies. However, today we really have to share this...
In the ever-evolving landscape of life, sometimes a seemingly insignificant decision can lead to a transformative journey. Such is the case with Timothée Rousselin, a French adventurer who embarked on what he thought would be a brief backpacking...
Vietnam reopened back in May 2022. You would think that people are flowing in and Vietnam tourism is getting better? Over a year and a half have past now, but shockingly, over half of Vietnam’s resorts stand almost...