In a deeply poignant and moving episode, we delve into the remarkable story of Charlie, a Vietnam war veteran who left after the conflict only to return to Vietnam as a crucial step in his PTSD treatment. Join...
Military service can leave a lasting impact on veterans’ lives! That’s why we must recognize their sacrifices and address their unique needs, including immigration matters. William Dos Santos is an expert in immigration and Vietnam Visa processes. He...
Recently, the Vietnam Immigration Department changed its rules. Now, people from 80 countries can get a 90-day multiple entry e-visa starting from August 15, 2023. In addition, Vietnam allows 25 nationalities to stay longer without a visa. Good...
You want to retire in Vietnam by investing so that you can earn a passive income, but don’t know how to start. Unlike some other countries in the region, Vietnam does not have a retirement visa. But that...